Manned Airborne Real-time Surveillance Observation


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Tools to help Surveillance

Gyrocopter MARSO (Manned Airborne Real-time Surveillance Observation)

The MARSO gyrocopter is a versatile surveillance system for a large class of missions ranging from large area ship detection via side-looking radar to vehicle tracking via optical and infrared video stream.

camera on gyrocopter


Operating up to 200 km away from ground station, data can be downlinked in real-time. The system is operated efficiently from a relocatable/mobile base with minimum infrastructure requirements. Integration in existing surveillance system is supported by modular, standardized architecture.

The MARSO system is based on the TRIXYEYE platform which is a certified two-seat very light gyrocopter developed by TRIXY AVIATION for professional use. Trixy Aviation is a certified aviation company based on EASA (Easy Access Rules for Air Operations) guide rules. It can fly at a maximum speed of 100 km/h with operation temperature range from -20° to +50°c.

The MARSO gyrocopter has a take-off roll less than 75 meters and landing roll less than 30 meters. It has a flight endurance of up to 6 hours with anti-explosion auxiliary fuel tank at a maximum altitude of 4,500m and a payload of 280 kg.

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The MARSO gyrocopter is equipped with a 4-axis Gyro-stabilized SkyEye 2X-3 gimbal successfully developed for standard integration by Peiport. Peiport Industries Limited is a leading developer of observation and surveillance equipment based in Hong Kong with large manufacturing facilities in China. It also equipped with the RST WSMS-S which is a Side-looking Imaging Radar designed for fast coverage of huge areas up to 4000 sq. km/hour. It allows operation in Day/Night and All-Weather/Fog-conditions.

The very slow flying capability of the MARSO gyrocopter and the fact that its rotor does not create “down-wash” make it possible to carry and deploy drones during a mission flight far away from the operation base or the ground station. The MARSO is able to carry up to four Satellite Drones, they are mounted underneath the gyrocopter and can be deployed one at a time in special missions to obtain close-up images.

special thanks to Army Recognition for the article found  here


broadcasting camera on gyrocopter
manned airborne real-time surveillance observation